Welcome to Pack 602’s 2018-2019 program year!
As Cub Scouts, our biggest fundraiser of the year is POPCORN! And it starts NOW!
We sell Trail’s End popcorn in September and October, and we receive 35% of the proceeds. Another 35% goes to our District and Council, which funds all of the amazing stuff that they do to support Packs.
- Popcorn is the single greatest contributor toward our Pack’s finances (more than dues, even!), so it directly impacts the quality of the program your Scouts experience! And since we’re a brand new Pack with no existing cache of funds… our program NEEDS this!
- Your Scouts will be eligible for PRIZES! The council funds a prize program which you’ll receive details about at the first den meeting on Thursday, Sept 6th.
- If we exceed our Pack’s minimum fundraising goal (which will be announced in the next week or so), 5-10% of your Scout’s fundraising total will go directly to his Scout Account – an account that can be used to pay for dues, campouts, summer camp, and all other things Scouting (and will go with your Scout even if they change units!). This helps instill the idea of Paying Your Own Way, and helps Scouts feel more invested and accomplished in the program (not to mention it lightens the load on parent wallets).
How to Sell
There are at LEAST 4 ways to sell Cub Scout popcorn.
- Online Sales
You can set up an online store account for your Scout and share the link on Facebook, to friends, family, work folks, etc! Popcorn bought this way will be shipped directly to the person who buys it. This is a great way to allow distant friends and relatives help support your Scout’s experience, and is pretty convenient for the millennial generation. - Show & Sells
We have reserved spaces (and will be reserving more) on numerous weekends outside of stores, where we’ll set up a table with actual, physical product to sell. Our Scouts will greet passers-by and ask them if they’d like to support local scouting! Your Scouts will receive credit for a percentage of the total Show & Sell sales based on the number of Show & Sell hours they work throughout the fundraising season. Signups will be coming soon to staff these, and if you know of a business who might like to host us, let us know! - Take-Order Forms
Good old-fashioned traditional order forms that your Scout can take to your neighbors, workplace, etc. You’ll receive your order forms at the Den Meetings on Sept 6th, but if you miss it or lose yours, you can always ask me for extras. - “Wagon” Sales
Check-out a supply of physical product to sell! Toss it in a wagon when you go door to door, and watch your sales soar! (Hopefully. Your mileage may vary.) This can be a great complement to take-order sales, as people are often more likely to purchase if you’ve got the product on you… and if you run out of the product everyone in your neighborhood wants, you’ve got your order form as backup!
I am going to be sending a metric TON of popcorn emails over the next few weeks to help you guys make the best of this fundraiser, including tutorials on setting up your online store, signups for show & sells, goals and progress updates, and general reminders. This is just the beginning!
See you all on Thursday!